I saw this video on my primary connection to non-hip-hop music, Dan Brooks's Combat Blog. That he would take interest in it suggest it is not satire, but watch this thing.
I so badly want to imagine this will heal the wounds of racism. Somewhere deep inside me there still is a person inspired by the facile idealism of movies like Braveheart and Crash. I think they seem "real" or "authentic" because they show the protagonists suffer greatly, which satisfies the viewer that this is a serious look at serious problems. In actuality the movies white wash reality to provide something inspiring, much as magicians misdirect while their assistants slip out of hand bindings. Overcoming obstacles in real life is much more nuanced, long-term, and messy.
But LL Cool Jay will forget 200 years of enslavement if you'll let him wear a gold chain. A premise so laughable it is actually offensive to my well-educated outlook. I hope that outlook is wrong and this collaboration between Brad Paisley and Some Black Guy helps bridge a gap in the Skynard fans out there, to the idea that maybe what they do can qualify as "racist" even if only accidentally; that a Confederate flag, while a positive symbol of Southern independence and Skynard fandom, can simultaneously be a symbol of hate or rejection, and that the decision to wear one must be made with that tradeoff in mind; To an imagined future where both Pants Saggin' and White Men can maintain their individual senses of identity but allow for mutual respect and compassion.
For all the hilarious reason that's not what "Accidental Racist" will achieve, see S.Colbert's inspired jam, Oopsie Daisy Homophobe:
Sheesh, "Accidental Racist" is bad. So bad both blacks and whites of disparate backgrounds can come together, and not sing along to it's childish lyrics and plodding pace. Oh well, two points for intention--assuming that intention wasn't satire.